Saturday, August 29, 2009

Snow Leopard Upgrade

I installed Snow Leopard the other day and since Leopard was my first Mac OS I didn't know how things would go. I expected to back up my files by copying them to a flash drive or external hard drive. Then, install Snow Leopard and manually put back all of those files. However, after researching a bit I found the easiest way to do it and it took an hour total (you would hear a 15 minute install but you'll understand my situation in a minute)

I disabled File Vault on all my user accounts (I will explain in the next paragraph). I made another partition(200GB). Then, I installed Snow Leopard on that partition. It took <27 minutes but I do have a large hard drive and everything is slower when you write and read on the same hard drive. Generally, twice as long in my experience. So my time makes sense. Also, many of my friends had had ≤15 minutes. Then, I used Migration Assistant to copy everything from my old leopard partition which took about thirty minutes. Then, I turned on Filevault and a few other tweaks.

One of the tweaks was that I had to use Dock Library again. Pretty much anything that involves different themes has to be re-done but the program and files will be there. Like I said before I had to turn off File Vault on my leopard accounts. This is because with File Vault on you can't copy user accounts with Migration Assistant.

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